‘’Why walk when you can dance?’’
What is dance? Can anybody dance? Why is dance beneficial for me? These are questions we are asked every day at MK Dance, and us something we hope to answer below.
Dance is considered to be a form of communication, a language that can be expressed through body movement, sound, rhythm, beat, and most importantly, the ability to express yourself! All over the world, dance has been used as a part of rituals, celebrations, and human culture. Dance really is a way for us to express who we truly are…
Dance is for everyone, anyone, at any age, and at all stages in life. There are no specific rules about when and how you should dance (my husband blowing a prime example), it is something that truly is instilled in each and every one of us, as another way for us to express ourselves.
What is clear is dance so important, but can anyone really take on dance? Here are 5 reasons why everyone should find the dancer in them and start dance classes today:
Dancing is a primary need. Research shows that dance is just as important as Maths! Dance develops concentration levels and increases focus through movement. It promotes good listening and comprehension skills and encourages self-confidence. It is considered a primary need, as it is an important part of a well-balanced life.
Dancing will increase your self-confidence. People often think that those with no rhythm should not and cannot dance. But that’s false! Anyone can learn to dance by taking classes regularly. Dancing is natural. If you ask a child to dance, they often will move immediately to the music. So, why do so many find it impossible to dance? The main reasons come down to self-consciousness and muscle memory. But the truth is, these will develop over time!
Dancing increases the mind and body connection. The physical movement you participate in while dancing is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps our mind and body to feel more connected and classes encourage our social bonds, which are proven to uplift our mood and change our overall state.
Dancing benefits your overall health and wellness. Dancing is the best way to keep active, healthy and fit! It offers an endless amount of benefits on your overall health and wellbeing, as it’s a great way to stay in shape and improve the strength of your heart and lungs, and psychological wellbeing. The strength and endurance gained through dancing will help keep your energy levels high, and tone and strengthen your body throughout!
Dance classes are accessible to anyone and everyone. People of all shapes, ages and sizes can access dancing. Dance classes can be found all over the world (but please join ours in Croydon) and there is a great variety when it comes to dance lessons and many programmes can be adapted to meet everyone’s fitness needs.
So, if you are ready to have fun, improve in all areas of fitness, develop physically and mentally, and burn calories without even realising it, find the dancer in you today! You’ll see how dance movements will positively affect your life in no time.