We are so excited to announce we will be able to produce our first show since the Pandemic (our last show was July 2019)! We have begun talking to the children about this and they are all very excited. As are our team of teachers who have been busy planning and teaching their dances for the show whilst coming up with lots of amazing costume ideas and great routines which are going to look great on the stage.
For those of you who haven’t experienced a show at MK Dance before, they are great fun and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Each show we produce has a different theme, and the theme of our show this year is LIVE LOVE DANCE. Since the pandemic, we have realised how important things are that make you happy and for us to show how important it is to do things you enjoy and love.
Important Dates
Our show preparations are slowly coming together and the children are working very hard practicing their show numbers. I have highlighted some important dates prior to the show so that we can make sure everyone is show ready and fully prepared for their amazing performance for you all.
Saturday 22nd April 2023 - Costume Fitting and Finale practice at Woodside Christian Centre
Sunday 23rd April 2023 - Dress Rehearsal and practice on the stage at Stanley Halls
Saturday 29th April 2023 - Show Day performances 2pm and 5.30pm at Stanley Halls
Show Details
Details of Show Day
- Children will be given a set time to arrive.
- On arrival, the children need to sign in and will then be sent to their designated area
- these areas will be chaperoned.
- Children will need to arrive in black leggings and MK Dance T-shirt. These will be used for their final costume - if you do not have an MK Dance T-Shirt then please let me know.
- Costumes will be given to you before the show – on the show day we ask you’re your child arrives with the costume to be in a box with their name, clearly marked on it.
- Children should bring with them an activity to do such as colouring, reading or something similar. We discourage devices as we can’t take responsibility for lost or broken items.
On the day of the show we are planning two performances so please keep the day clear. Tickets will be limited at these performances and will need to be booked by the end of the Spring Term which is Saturday the 1st of April. Tickets are available to purchase through out MK Dance Shop here and are priced:
Adult Tickets - £8
Children (over 5) Tickets - £5
Children (under 5) Tickets - Free
Pre Event Programme Order- £4 (£5 on the Day)
We will be producing a programme in advance of the day so children's sessions and trial runs will be photographed – if you have any safeguarding requirements regarding the photographing of children please let me know. These photographs will not be shared on social media. If you have a local business that you would like to promote in the programme then please do let me know.
I know this may seem like a lot of information to take in and there will be more to follow so please – if you have any questions please contact me or the team. I cannot stress how excited I am to be able to do a show again and I hope you are as well!